Caroline McCurdy

Creating unique
visual experiences
& intuitive designs.

graphic design
pattern design
brand & identity
layout design

The Local Bakery

UX visual design – Brand & Identity – UX Research

A food menu / recipe app for The Local Bakery.
Offering recipes using products from the bakery, and access to ordering ingredients from local stores: connecting a community.

(created for Google UX Design Certificate)

Feb - Sept 2022


To help users discover recipes incorporating bakery goods, plus nutritional information and connections with local stores in the community


Providing recipes and clear information regarding nutrition and product availability for local communities.


Users of the app are looking for nutritious dishes to easily put together,  with time-constraints due to lifestyles (work; children; etc). They are also looking for an accessible and easy way to discover recipes without being overwhelmed with content.


The design was created as paper wireframes to allow for a smooth output of ideas, and followed by digital wireframes which reflected findings from user research.


Including a timeline for the order process helped to clarify the steps which users take to confirm their orders. Including this has helped users to understand and follow the process more easily.


The high-fidelity prototype

The app allows users to enjoy searching for recipes, discover nutrition information and proceed through to ordering and payment of the product. Allowing users to engage with and support their community.

Quotes from peer feedback

“I think it's a really nice looking app.”

“It's really clearly set out.”

“You can easily search for a recipe.”

What I learned

I learned that the insights which were discovered through research,  alongside iteration are vital with the development an app.  Conducting user research and implementing updates based on feedback made it possible to create a more intuitive design.

User Flow

© Caroline McCurdy 2024